Wait for a long time and finally arrived!! Raspberry Pi !!
Box (cute) |
Raspberry pi is a credit-card sized computer. |
Running Raspbian “wheezy” (2012-07-15) |
My USB keyboard/mouse works in Raspberry pi.
I think I have to buy a USB Wifi dongle and USB hub.
Todo List
- As a media center
- Watch DVB (I have a unused DVB USB dongle)
- Play DVD (attach a USB DVD-ROM)
- Play video/audio file
- As a download server
- Attach a USB HDD
- Run p2p clients
- Create a customized image
- boot, kernel, ... ,etc.
- HW optimization
- Run Android
- RAM is too small?
- More....
- XBMC for RPI (http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Raspberry_Pi)
- raspbmc